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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My favorite tool is probably the one I have had the hardest time uploading to my blog, PhotoStory. I like doing different types of presentations and this one is so easy; I want to use the kids’ voices to tell the story and the pictures they took themselves.
With all the new technology we will have this year in the classroom, we will have to really upgrade our teaching, and that starts with our own learning. I have been reading a lot and really trying to learn as much as I can, but that is going to continue to try to keep up with the 21st century.
I honestly have to say that I have been very surprised of how much I have learned so far; I really did not expect that; I thought it would be a quick online course; well, quick it was not, but it sure was worth all the hours that I spent working on it. Hats off to the designers of the course; it was very well designed and full of good information to help us learn and create innovating ways to teach.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on how teaching has moved to another new level, its very exiting as a teacher to know that now we have more resources to be able to teach.
